
African Crossroads is...

  • a community of future-oriented African thinkers and doers which collaborates all year long and critically reflects on the most cutting-edge entrepreneurial, scientific, artistic, and technological developments anchored in African intellectual and technological traditions.

  • a yearly physical & virtual gathering to inspire and showcase experiments on a given topic.

  • a year-long exercise for collective intelligence & collaborative action to positively shape the future of African societies.

Past Editions


Reimagining the Pan-African Dream

Reflecting on the past, experiencing the present and imagining the future

Hybrid edition (online + 7 hubs)

10-11 December 2020


Sense The City

Mombasa, Kenya

20-23 November 2019


The Fourth Industrial Revolution

Marrakech, Morocco

11-13 December 2018


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Hivos is an international development organization guided by humanist values.

Together with local partners we aim to contribute to a free, fair and sustainable world. A world in which all citizens have equal access to opportunities, rights and resources for development and can participate actively and equally in decision-making processes that determine their lives, their society and their future, throughout the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Hivos trusts in the creativity and capacity of all people to come up with innovative solutions that improve their situation and that of society in general.

Quality, cooperation and innovation are our core values and the keystone to our development and business philosophies.

Copyright ©African Crossroads, 2021 / All rights reserved

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