African Crossroads Manifesto on Ecoexistence
A Collective Manifesto
Our Vision for Climate Justice
As a collective community, we envision a better future and take steps towards a shared vision that aims to “intentionally build synergies between individual creative practitioners, institutions, authorities, private business and communities that spread awareness, knowledge and practice of the changing relationship between humans, nature and technology – in order to deliver Climate Justice by organizing societies in an ecologically benefiting manner for all forms of life and generations to come”.
Our Principles for Climate Justice
Our commitment and contribution towards protecting our climate is embodied in the theme of this Collective Manifesto as “The Age of Ecoexistence” - where we will individually and all together:
1. Develop [individual] assessments of our climate actions [to better understand our own day-to-day responsibilities]
2. Create the African Crossroads Climate Justice Tools [as community guidelines for our members and beyond]
3. Invest in sustainable technologies for our creative process [including Festivals and Events, Fashion and Engineering etc]
4. Lobby for integrated financing towards Climate Justice [from the local, regional and the international communities]
5. Promote learning and knowledge sharing on the dangers of Climate change [within our community of creatives and beyond]
6. Initiate an African Crossroads Climate Justice Certificate of good practice or conduct [as an incentive to our community members]
7. Invest in strengthening data collection on energy, water, waste management and climate change [as a best practice]
8. Holding public agencies and national governments to accounts, ensuring practice enforcement of existing regulation